Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Work Your Sous Chefs

My alter ego, Bunny Cleaver, is always throwing her arms up in the air and extolling the virtues of working your own personal Sous Chefs. Sous Chefs being any family or friends you can enlist in the kitchen to help.

They do not always come willingly, plus sometimes I just want to be on my own, but undoubtedly they do rise to the occasion, take an interest and enjoy the time they spend creating or cleaning. I often have to lure them in with promises of something good to eat. Look at the size of these 2, eating is always on their minds.

The interesting thing is we learn from each other when working in the kitchen together and they develop their own personal specialties. I have among the specialties in the house a mashed potato specialist, a chili specialist, 2 waffle specialists and new specialties are developing every day.

 The most marvelous part, these are things I no longer have to do.

Hurah! Yells Bunny


  1. ha ha! Love it! We have budding 'specialists' too!
    Saturday morning pancake specialist, grill cheese specialists and a smoothie specialist. I luv being the recipient of all these in house sous chefs...

    Great post!

  2. You go, Bunny! I live with the Fish Whisperer so I know how you feel. My sous chefs are still in the tadpole stage, so I am looking forward to getting past the cleaning and prepping stage to the actual cooking stage. Although, the smoothie, panini and homemade mac & cheese girl is coming along nicely.
